In and out for 2023: social media edition

You may have seen the content trend on social media where people share what’s in and what’s out for 2023. As Melbourne’s top Social Media Agency, we thought it would be fun to share what we think is in and out this year!

IN: What is on trend in social media for 2023

  • In the moment content: With the rise of BeReal, TikTok Now and Instagram Candid, plan to see more informal, fun and instant content from your favourite accounts.

  • The rise of UGC and the nano influencer: More and more brands are commissioning content from UGC influencers as a more authentic and cost effective way to post compared to creating it in house (get in touch to discuss our influencer management services)

  • Transparency and accountability: The rise of storytelling content on TikTok is driving a desire for transparent, real content. Brands and businesses are expected to uphold the high ethical standards their audiences are looking for.

  • Longer form videos: In 2021 and 2022, video content was getting shorter and shorter. Expect to see a backlash with creators experimenting with longer form videos.

Social media trends for 2023. Picture of Instagram on phone.

OUT: What are we not doing in 2023

  • Social Media Managers and Agencies glow up: During and after the pandemic, it was super easy for a freelancer to set up their social media business (and plenty did). However, as a couple of years have passed, many of these freelancers have seen just how tough it is to set up a quality social media business and many brands and businesses have been burnt by not choosing their social media partner carefully. There will be more of a focus in 2023 of businesses carefully vetting their agencies to ensure they choose a partner that meets their high standards.

  • Tokenism is out for brands working with influencers: As the general public becomes more aware and educated of racial bias, consumers will callout any brand that doesn’t truly include diverse and authentic marketing. Brands will need to carefully consider who they work with and POC influencers will start being more prominent on social media platforms.

  • Blindly following trends: Many brands have seen how difficult it is to successfully execute a social media trend. It often takes too long to create and seek approval in larger businesses. Instead brand social media accounts will focus on creating meaningful content that represents who they truly are.

What do you think of these social media trends!

We’d love to know your thoughts and start a conversation so reach out to us on Instagram or LinkedIn to chat!


Instagram updates Jan 2023


Which social media platform is best for your business?