One question you might want to ask your Social Media Agency… how will you get my brand featured on the Explore Page?!

But first things first…

A LOT of people seem to be confused as to what the Explore Page is. The first thing to know is that each user's Explore Page is unique to them, so there is no ONE Explore Page, rather millions based on each user's preferences.

The algorithm decides what to show based on ranking and relevance, so will choose content that has a clear niche & subject matter, and that has strong engagement.

Our tips…

The first tip? Make sure your post is discoverable by using clear and relevant keywords and hashtags in the caption. While you're at it, do the same for your profile bio!

The algorithm suggests posts to a user that are similar to other content they have already engaged with. So see what is trending amongst your competitors and put your own spin on it.

Your posts are more likely to get displayed in the Explore Page if you have high engagement, and also if popular, relevant accounts follow and engage with you. So put in the hours working on your engagement strategy and connecting with others in your niche.

This tip is for when you're actually featured on the Explore Page but... think about design that stands out so people click! Big bold text and bright colours tend to draw the eye and get attention.

Too busy to do all that? Get in touch and we can do it for you!


how to choose a social media agency for your business.


Case study: everlane