How Instagram is changing… and what to do about it

You may have seen some buzz around social media about important Instagram platform changes. As a social media agency in Melbourne, we have clients in all sorts of industries. One thing they all have in common is they don’t have time to keep up with all of these changes. That’s why they hired us as their social media agency in the first place!

If you’re also a busy business owner who needs the low-down fast, we’ve got you covered. We don’t gate-keep here at The Meaningful Social Club! Let us take you through some of the key changes and what they mean for your business…

Posting frequency on Instagram is changing

Previously, we have recommended clients post 3-4 times a week on Instagram to get the best reach and engagement. Unfortunately, Instagram have announced that the accounts who post daily will get the best reach and preferential treatment by the algorithm. We say “unfortunately” because as a social media agency, we are well aware of how much work this is! For some busy business owners, posting a couple of times a week is achievable, but posting every day is simply not.

You should post Daily Instagram Stories

In addition to your daily feed posts, Instagram have suggested that you should post around 6 stories a day! Again, this can be a lot of work! In our opinion, the best way to post more often on Stories is to simply pick up your phone and start talking. This may strike fear into some people’s hearts - hello introverts - however the person talking doesn’t necessarily have to be the founder of the business. Why not identify 2-3 key personalities in your business who can do this instead?

Why it’s best to edit using the Instagram app

Instagram have let a key group of creators know that the Instagram Reels algorithm will give priority to content that is edited using the Instagram app. This means you should avoid using third party editors to create your video content as you may be penalised for this.

This one kills us! It’s so much better and faster to edit on a desktop. But it seems like we need to follow the rules on this one.

How can you respond to these updates?

Ultimately, as a business owner, you need to make the decision where to spend your time, resources and energy. If you believe your customers are on Instagram, it makes sense to follow these recommendations so that you have the best chance of reaching these people. For other businesses, it may make more sense to put these efforts into other platforms or marketing activities. For example, it may make more sense to focus on TikTok as a platform, or perhaps put more love into your email marketing program.

However, if you decide you do need to tweak your Instagram strategy and post more often, it may make sense to hire a Social Media Agency like ours. We are the experts on these platforms and know how to get you the best return on your investment by making sure your content is seen by the right people, and more of them!

If you’d like to set up a no obligation discovery call, get in touch with our friendly team!


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