Behind the Scenes at our Social Media Agency in Melbourne

Unless you work in social media yourself, you might be wondering… “what does a Social Media Agency actually do?”

We thought it might be fun to show behind the scenes at our social media agency in Melbourne to give you a little more of an idea of what an average day can look like, and what kind of services we offer our clients!

Today we were shooting some content for one of our paid social clients…

One of our newest clients is a skin clinic in Melbourne. The owner Christine engaged us to create and manage their Facebook and Instagram Ads in the hope of raising brand awareness and getting her more clients.

Unlike some social media agencies, we offer both paid and organic social. And we love to do both for our clients where possible! This is because we can use the content, messaging and strategy we develop for our clients’ organic social media and use it to create really awesome Facebook Ad Campaigns.

But back to our day…

When Christine engaged us to run her ads, she really didn’t have much content to work with, which would have made our jobs as ads managers very hard. We really believe in starting ad campaigns with strong creative that clearly appeals to the target audience. So if you have very little content to work with, it’s hard to do that!

So today, we headed over to Christine’s clinic to do a mini content shoot to get photos and videos for her ads for the next few months. We took a few basic pieces of kit including a couple of cameras, a gimbal and some lights so we could quickly and easily shoot some great content.

When we onboarded Christine’s clinic, we asked her LOTS of probing questions about her business, including what her unique selling points are and why her clients love coming to her. This allowed us to brainstorm some creative ideas that would highlight this messaging.

When it comes to creating successful Facebook Ads, you really need to get inside your audience’s head. You need to know what motivates them to make a purchase from a business so you can tailor your messaging to their needs.

We filmed some face to camera, interview style content with Christine, asking her to talk about her service and what makes her special. We then captured lots of B roll content of her performing services in the clinic so we can edit these together. We then took some gorgeous headshots and some photos of Christine in action.

We know that by showcasing Christine’s wonderful business like this, potential clients will be a lot more likely to try her services. It’s all about building trust with your potential clients or customers and showcasing the personalities and stories behind your business. That’s why we’re so committed to really understanding our clients’ businesses and developing strong connections with them so that we can create the best marketing possible!

Our job next week will be to add these images and videos into the creative ad ideas we had already brainstormed (it’s so important to have a plan before you shoot random content!)

That was how we spent our morning! This afternoon will be spent answering emails, doing some editing and other general admin for our clients. No two days are the same when you work in a social media agency, and that’s exactly why we love what we do!

If you’re looking for a Social Media Agency in Melbourne…

Whether for organic social media, or paid social media, or both, please do get in touch and book in a discovery call with our friendly team!


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