Get to know our Social Media Agency in Melbourne.

As it’s (still) the start of a new year, we decided to give our branding a little update. It’s something that I decided to work on while I had a little downtime over the holidays, and I’m so happy I did! I thought I’d give you a little insight into the thought process behind the new branding - perhaps it will inspire you to have a little update of your own!!

Social Media Agency Melbourne - The Meaningful Social Club

First and foremost, think about branding strategy…

Before you even think about getting to work on your visual brand, it’s really important that you work through your branding strategy. This entails thinking about what your brand values are and what message you want to send to your target audience. What makes you different?

For us, as Melbourne’s best new small Social Media Agency, it’s really important that we differentiate ourselves from the big players. Rather than try to compete with them, we want to highlight all the ways we are different to them as a social media agency in Melbourne.

Some things about us that are a big part of our branding strategy…

  • We’re smaller and more agile than traditional social media agencies

  • We are more creative and have more imagination

  • We truly care about our clients and their success

  • We work with valued-led and purpose driven organisations

  • We are female founded, owned and run

Therefore, our branding strategy needs to include these ideas of imagination, creativity and being different. That’s where the visual branding comes in.

Our visual branding as Melbourne's best social media agency

The visual messaging…

We updated our graphics, backgrounds, fonts and colours to better reflect where we believe we are heading as a social media agency.

Our new font is softer and conveys a more creative, feminine energy than our previous font. Our colours are bright and bold to reflect our courage as a small business, and the innovation that we bring to our social media clients.

We also introduced visual elements of gradients (meant to reflect vivid sunsets), skies, clouds and moons. These reflect that the sky is the limit when it comes to our ideas and what we can deliver.

Social Media Agency Owner Natalie Lasance

New headshots…

As a social media agency owner, I have made my personal brand a big part of the business. Being a small business, it really is my personality and experience that draws clients in and makes them want to sign on to work with us. I use my personal brand on Instagram and LinkedIn to attract potential clients.

My previous headshots were taken during the Melbourne lockdowns and were looking a little outdated so I felt it was time for a change. I chose to work with Brand Photographer, Julia Forte. Julia specialises in branding photography Melbourne. I’m so pleased with the results!

Together, we worked on creating a mood board with example imagery so Julia knew exactly how I wanted my final images to look. Julia drew on the new colours and visuals of my branding to ensure there would be visual cohesion between my branding strategy, graphic elements and branding photography.

I’m really happy with the new photos! I feel they reflect my personal brand as a happy, approachable and creative social media agency owner!

The Meaningful Social Club - Social Media Agency in Melbourne

Creating a visual brand of your own…

I hope these insights have given you a little understanding of what goes into a branding strategy. It’s easy to enjoy the end result, without fully appreciating the thought and work that goes into creating a successful brand! Words and visuals shouldn’t be random. They should fully reflect your brand values and the message you want to convey for your audience!

Although The Meaningful Social Club is primarily a social media agency, we do also offer branding packages, including logos, headshots, design and brand strategy. If this is something you’d like to discuss for your business, please do reach out!

Thanks for reading!

Natalie x

Get in touch.


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