How to create a successful Social Media Strategy

As Melbourne’s (and potentially Australia’s) best new social media agency, social media strategy is something we are extremely passionate about. Without a clear strategy, any content that is created is unlikely to help a business reach its goals.

We pride ourselves on being a social media marketing agency that fuses strategy and creativity in the work that we do. We love following trends and creating fun, inspiring content, but if there is not a strategic purpose behind the content, these types of posts can be pretty meaningless. And we’re all about creating meaningful social media content - just check our company name!

how to create a social media strategy - by a social media marketing company melbourne

How our agency creates social media strategies for clients…

We’ve covered why social media strategy is important, but how do you actually make one? Here at The Meaningful Social Club, we’re not about gate keeping. Here is the exact step-by-step breakdown of how we create social media strategies for our clients.

  1. Start with the business’s strategic goals

Each business is different and it’s important to understand the overall strategic goals and objectives so that we can make sure our social media content contributes to these. Here are some questions we ask each of our clients…

  • How does social media fit into your overall digital marketing strategy?

  • What is the typical journey a customer takes from finding out about you to making a purchase?

  • What are the roadblocks to hitting your objectives?

  • What are you looking to get out of your social media?

2. Understanding the target audience

It’s essential to know who the target client or customer is. We like to use a concept called an Ideal Customer Avatar to create a picture of this person so we can fully understand who they are.

Some questions we ask include; What is their demographic? What are their wants and needs? What are their fears and objections? What are they passionate about? What do they want from the brands and accounts they follow on social media?

When you have a clear picture of who the target customer is and what they want, it’s much easier to create content that appeals to them!

social media agency melbourne that specialises in content strategy

3. Researching your competitos

Researching your competitors on social media is a critical step in developing a successful social media strategy. By analysing what your competitors are doing, you can gain valuable insights into what works and what doesn't in your industry.

Start by identifying your top competitors on each social media platform, and make note of their follower count, engagement rate, and content themes. Next, analyse their content to identify trends and patterns, such as popular hashtags, posting frequency, and types of content.

This can help you identify content gaps and opportunities to differentiate your brand. Additionally, monitoring your competitors' social media activity can help you stay up-to-date on industry trends and changes, allowing you to adapt your strategy accordingly. By thoroughly researching your competitors on social media, you can gain a competitive edge and develop a strategy that resonates with your target audience.

4. Developing content pillars

Now that you’ve done all this great research for your social media strategy, it’s time to craft your content pillars. Your content pillars are the themes and topics you create content around.

Go back to your Ideal Customer Avatar and think about the pillars and topics that would be important and interesting to this person. Ensure the topics and pillars you pick align with your overall brand messaging and purpose, and that they feed into your strategic objectives.

These pillars and topics will become invaluable when you actually start creating social media posts. They will inspire your content and make sure every piece of content works together in a bigger picture.

Looking for a social media marketing agency?

If this post has inspired you to DIY your social media marketing, great! If it’s convinced you that you need to turn to the experts, we hope you will consider us here at The Meaningful Social Club!

Social media and digital marketing strategy are things that we’re so passionate about. And they’re things that we love creating for our clients!

When you work with our experienced team, you can be confident that every piece of social media content that we create aligns with an overall strategic purpose. Get in touch to arrange a discovery call and we can discuss further.


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